Product Details

Ventilation, air tightness and indoor air quality in new homes Downloadable version

BRE Electronic Publications
C Dimitroulopoulou, D Crump, S K D Coward, V Brown, R Squire, H Mann, M White, B Pierce, D Ross
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report BR477, ventilation, indoor air quality, airtightness, housing, new build.
Published Date
This is a report on a study of ventilation and indoor air quality in 37 homes built in England since 1995. The aim was to assess whether the guidance in the 1995 revision of Building Regulations Approved Document Part F is effective at providing adequate ventilation and good indoor air quality in domestic buildings, and thereby minimising the risks to health and maximising the comfort of the occupants. Simultaneous measurements of airtightness, ventilation, pollutants, temperature and relative humidity were made in homes during normal occupancy. Diary records of occupant activities and questionnaires on the occupants' perception of the indoor environment were also collected. The pollutants studied were: nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulates. The work shows that ventilation rates can be below design values and that guidelines for air quality can be exceeded in some homes. The report will improve understanding of the relationships between air leakage, ventilation and indoor air quality, and will be of interest to local authorities, architects, housing associations, and housebuilders. 64 pages.

Ventilation, air tightness and indoor air quality in new homes Downloadable version

List Price £ 35.00
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