BRE and the English Housing Survey
BRE has been responsible for large parts of the EHS since it began in 1967. Today BRE delivers a wide range of services to the survey.
Developing methodologies
We have contributed to the survey’s evolving methodologies, including:
Developing survey forms to meet the changing needs of our government client, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (formerly Communities and Local Government).
A major redesign to include the Housing Health and Safety Rating System.
Developing and maintaining complex cost and energy efficiency models which are central to the analysis of the data.
Data collection systems
BRE has developed a bespoke system of automated electronic data processing which uses Anoto digital pen and paper technology. The system includes software to transfer data to remote servers and a comprehensive validation system which provides surveyors with feedback on data issues through a web based survey management system.
Surveyor training
Only highly experienced surveyors are used on the survey. All surveyors who new to the EHS undergo an intensive week-long briefing on the highly specialised survey method which includes practical surveying exercises. Once a year, annual refresher briefings keep surveyors up to date with any changes in the methodology and help to calibrate surveyor performance. We deliver both types of briefings.
Analysis and reporting
We carry out data analysis and produce written reports. Key tasks include running cost and energy models and producing composite variables such as the Decent Homes Standard. Our teams also make a major contribution to the annual reports which are available from the DLUHC .
Insights and research
BRE uses the English Housing Survey to produce reports on the condition of English homes and the impact that this has on health and in cost to the NHS. Read more about the cost of poor housing to the NHS.