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Our professional networks

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Discover BRE’s networks for construction professionals. Join us to get the latest information and meet other people in your field.
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Join to gain access to the latest information, guidance and research results in your areas of work. Our networks also provide opportunities to develop valuable professional contacts.

Constructing Excellence
construction gexcellence

Constructing Excellence

Constructing Excellence (CE) is a membership-led organisation that aims to improve industry performance in the UK and international built environment sector. The members come from all parts of the sector and its supply chain, from clients to manufacturers. CE is a not-for-profit organisation providing a unique bridge between industry, clients, government and the research community. BRE provides strategic and membership support for CE while also acting as the main delivery partner.

Visit Constructing Excellence
UK Green Building Council

UK Green Building Council

BRE is proud to be a founding member of the UK Green Building Council (UK-GBC). In the more than ten years of its existence, we have contributed extensively to the UK-GBC’s mission of promoting a more sustainable built environment. We take an active role in the UK-GBC’s member committees and working groups.

Find out more about the UK-GBC


AIRTO is the Association for Innovation, Research and Technology Organisations. They have a mission to facilitate, and stimulate, connections and knowledge transfer between members and with other communities, and thereby support best practice for business improvement and growth. BRE has an active role in several of the Interest Groups including Cybersecurity, Health & Safety and Marketing & Communications.

Visit the AIRTO website
Construction Innovation Hub

Construction Innovation Hub

The Construction Innovation Hub brought together world-class expertise from the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), BRE and the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) to transform the UK construction industry. With £72 million from UK Research and Innovation’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, it aimed to change the way buildings and infrastructure are designed, manufactured, integrated and connected within our built environment.

Visit the Construction Innovation Hub
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