Testing, inspection and certification services
About our testing, inspection and certification services
If you need to verify the performance of your products, or give the market confidence in innovative solutions, we can help. Our testing, inspection and certification (TIC) services give you the confidence that your product’s claims are credible. We certify the safety of a range of products and services including fire, security, construction, environmental management processes and systems.
We use a thorough process that includes independent assessment and validation of the evidence you give us about your product, service, or practice.
Fire safety testing
BRE Global is a global leader in fire safety testing. Our expert teams, equipped with fully calibrated equipment and world-class facilities, offer a wide range of services from our UK-based, UKAS accredited, laboratories, to confirm that products or systems will perform as expected and/or demonstrate compliance with standards, including UK Building Regulations through British Standards (BS) and European Standards (EN).
More about fire testing

Lighting testing
Get impartial advice on the performance of new lighting technologies, innovative strategies and integrating electric lighting with daylighting.
More about lighting testingWind load testing
Our wind engineering test facilities are among the best in the UK, with wind tunnels that can simulate environments like open countryside and city centres.
More about wind load testing

Electronic security testing
We provide UKAS-accredited testing and certification services for a range of intrusion detection products, access control systems and components.
More about electronic security testingEngineering testing and support
We use specialist testing to investigate the real behaviour of your structures, systems and products. Our structures laboratory is large enough to test at full scale.
More about engineering support

Heat pump testing
We offer recognised and trusted test reports for heat pumps, with assessments in the precisely controlled environmental chambers in our UKAS-accredited facility.
More about heat pump testingEnvironmental testing
We offer an environmental assessment service for buildings chemical risk, construction products and material, contaminated land, light, noise and more.
More about environmental testing
Materials testing
We test materials, including innovative materials, and analyse their performance with the benefit of extensive facilities and years of historic test data.
More about materials testing

Mental health product testing
Our services help the health sector to create safe and hazard-free environments for mental health in-patients.
More about mental health product testingNatural light
Full daylight and sunlight analysis, including natural light for new properties and the impact on existing homes. We also cover rights to light and overshadowing and the effects of trees and buildings with reflective surfaces.
More about natural light testing

Outdoor environment testing
Our outdoor environment testing services include TV reception assessments, to determine the impact of new tall buildings on the surrounding area.
More about outdoor environment testingThermal performance testing
We test thermal performance in buildings including junctions and thermal bridging, to understand insulation and heat loss.
More about thermal performance testing

Testing against published standards gives customers confidence that they can rely on your products and services to deliver the promised performance and benefits.
More about standardsAcoustics testing service
We provide testing services for the built environment, including sound insulation testing of partitions, doors, windows, downlights as well as sound power emission of mechanical and electrical products.
More about Acoustics

Roof product testing
Roofs are essential elements of buildings, impacting water runoff, wind resistance, insulation, and ventilation. We offer specialist roof testing services to analyse their performance.
More about roof product testingTesting case studies

Fire tests on Cardington steel framed buildings

Open Systems Lab identify opportunities through BRE structural testing

Ampac increases international business opportunities with LPCB

Orms demonstrated client-centric focus through BIM assessment from BRE

Mayan Roofing boosts confidence in its products with BRE testing
Get in touch
For more information, call us on +443333218811, email us at enquiries@bregroup.com or use the online form.
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