Our expertise: safety, security and fire
Safety must be the primary concern of everyone designing, constructing, managing, and maintaining buildings, communities, and infrastructure. At BRE, we offer a wide range of testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) services to help make sure that risks are minimised, and regulatory requirements are met.

Fire safety testing
BRE Global is a global leader in fire safety testing. Our expert teams, equipped with fully calibrated equipment and world-class facilities, offer a wide range of services from our UK-based, UKAS accredited, laboratories, to confirm that products or systems will perform as expected and/or demonstrate compliance with standards, including UK Building Regulations through British Standards (BS) and European Standards (EN).
Our comprehensive fire safety testing services include LPCB certification, Passive Fire Resistance, Reaction To Fire, Fire Suppression, Structural Fire Engineering, Fire Risk Assessments, custom fire tests, compliance testing, and Fire Detection. We also conduct loadbearing and non-loadbearing tests for walls, floors, and ceilings. To support your fire safety practices, we offer training courses, including our new course on The Digitalisation of Building Safety and the Golden Thread, covering key aspects of the Building Safety Act.
Built Environment testing services
BRE tests individual materials and products, building systems, engineering structures and whole buildings using both well-established methods and bespoke research tests and simulations. Whether standard or bespoke, our testing covers research and development, design, and remedial aspects and includes:

Security testing and certification
The correct specification of certified security products and systems is critical to protecting people and property from the losses associated with crime and terrorism.
The Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB), which is part of BRE, is a globally recognised third-party certification body that has been delivering certainty for over 150 years. LPCB certifies a range of security protection products against Loss Prevention Standards to confirm their performance. LPCB also issue certification against a number of British (BS), European (EN) and Publicly Available Standards (PAS), as well as other International standards.
BRE also provides provide third-party testing and certification of electronic security products to a range of well-established European product standards, including EN 54, and the EN 50131 series of product standards.
Get in touch
For more information, call us on +443333218811, email us at enquiries@bregroup.com or use the online form.
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