Product Details

Low flow water fittings: will people accept them? Downloadable version

BRE Electronic Publications
J Prior, J Griggs, M Hadi and S Brown
Subject / Keyword
fb51 FB 51 water flow
Published Date

Prompted by increasing concern in the UK that the demand for wholesome water will soon begin to exceed supply, particularly in South East England, BRE conducted a study of the likely public response to the introduction of low flow water fittings in domestic buildings. This included:
-an experiment using a specially designed test rig to measure reactions to low flow water fittings
-a focus group
-a survey of manufacturers and installers
-a literature review of public attitudes and behaviour regarding water use.
The results of the study increase our understanding of the barriers to and enablers of water-efficient behaviour.



1 Introduction and background

Part 1: Policy context and literature review
2 European and UK national policy context
3 Literature review
4 Organisations and schemes promoting water conservation in the UK

Part 2: Measurements, opinion, conclusions and recommendations
5 Experiment using the BRE low flow water fittings test rig
6 Focus group on low flow taps
7 Survey of manufacturers and installers
8 Analysis of results from the test rig experiment, focus group and survey of manufacturers and installers
9 Conclusions
10 Recommendations

References and further reading
Appendix A: Glossary of terms
Appendix B: Summary of the literature review
Appendix C: Summary of studies by water companies between 1997 and 2009

A4, 64pp
19 line drawings
17 photos


Low flow water fittings: will people accept them? Downloadable version

List Price £ 45.00
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