Environmental assessment for safer buildings
We offer a wide range of environmental assessment services including:
Air quality: indoor air quality, including materials emissions, and outdoor air pollution.
Buildings: BREEAM is the world’s leading assessment method for improving the environmental performance of buildings.
Construction products and materials: BRE’s Certified Environmental Profiling system provides a credible measurement of the environmental performance of building materials and products.
Contaminated land: detecting and treating contamination.
Light: including site layout for daylighting, the rights to light, daylight measurement, window design, solar shading, and avoidance of glare and solar heat.
Noise: monitoring and assessing levels of environmental noise to help solve any neighbourhood, construction site, classroom or other noise problems.
REACH: provides advice to clients on the environmental risk associated with the production, use and disposal of chemicals and act as advisors to both government and industry.
Water use: efficiency, conservation and innovative technology.
Get in touch
For more information, call us on +443333218811, email us at enquiries@bregroup.com or use the online form.
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