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Standard Assessment Procedure SAP 2016

Standard Assessment Procedure 2016 Page Description
This site hosts documents and information relating to the 2016 edition of the Standard Assessment Procedure.
Standard Assessment Procedure 2016

SAP 2016 is only a consultation version – it is not to be used for any official purpose. Therefore SAP 2012 should continue to be used for all official purposes until further notice.

The following documents were provided to support a consultation run by BEIS on proposed amendments to SAP. This consultation closed 27th January 2017.

  • A draft SAP 2016 specification, with proposed changes highlighted

  • A number of supporting technical papers explaining the basis of proposed changes

A link to the draft SAP 2016 methodology is provided below. Please click on “Technical papers” from the menu to the left of this page to access the supporting papers.

A link is also provided below to a draft updated RdSAP 2012 specification with proposed changes highlighted. This is not part of SAP 2016, but was covered in the same consultation by BEIS, so is included here for convenience.

Note that a final updated version of RdSAP 2012 (version 9.93) has now been published on the SAP 2012 website. The draft version on this page is therefore superseded and only kept here to provide a record of the version consulted upon.



Draft SAP 2016 specification (consultation version), issue 1.0

Draft RdSAP 2012 9.93 specification (consultation version), issue 1.0


SAP 2016 technical papers

The basis of changes to SAP proposed for the 2016 update is given in the papers below. These only describe the differences between SAP 2012 and SAP 2016. Information about changes made in previous updates is available from the SAP 2012 site (see ‘External links’).

