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Water conservation design, installation and maintenance requirements for the use of low-flush WCs flushed siphonically or by valves

J C Griggs, N J Pitts, J Hall, M C Shouler
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 328, BR328, toilets, flushing, water closets, sanitation, water supply
Published Date
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Whilst this publication can still be purchased some of the information in it has been superseded by more recent research and standards. The BRE Group does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage, including - without limitation - indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from use, or loss of use, of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this document.

This Report describes the findings of an investigation into the installation, commissioning and maintenance requirements for low flush WC's in order to minimise the volume of water used in flushing. These findings were intended to prepare guidance and contractual provisions for users, designers, and installers. The work includes guidance for the design, installation and maintenance of low volume flush WC's for the UK. The guidance includes details of the various flushing mechanisms: WC's siphonically flushed (traditional UK practice), WC's flushed using valves (including flap-valve, drop-valve, interruptible flush and pressurised cistern) and dual-flush WC's. 62 pages.
Book Badged Archived

Water conservation design, installation and maintenance requirements for the use of low-flush WCs flushed siphonically or by valves

List Price £ 22.50
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