Use of non-ferrous metals industry wastes in construction (Downloadable version)
BRE Electronic Publications
R Hooper, C McGrath, R Collins
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 423, BR 423
Published Date
The UK Government has initiated a 10-year plan to develop an integrated transport system in the UK. As part of this ambitious plan there will be substantial investment in the road and rail network along with other construction programmes such as 'park and ride' schemes. This investment will provide an excellent opportunity for the consumption of current arisings and stockpiled waste from the non-ferrous metals industry, potentially in the local region. This report reviews current arisings of such wastes from the UK non-ferrous metals industry, their potential for use in highway construction, and the barriers to their use. Benefits from their use include reduction in waste materials sent to landfill, reduced consumption of natural resources, and sustainability of construction projects. 25 pages.
Use of non-ferrous metals industry wastes in construction (Downloadable version)
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