Understanding and improving the weathertightness of large panel system dwellings (Scanned copy)
N.B. This pdf is a scanned copy of the original report, so is not as clear as pdfs created as such.
In October 1984 the Minister for Housing and Construction announced a programme of investigations by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) of dwellings constructed from large panel systems. This report arises from the programme, and is a compilation of BRE's view on the weathertightness of such dwellings. It reviews the nature of weather and how it interacts with buildings, the main modes of weathertightness failure, design principles, investigative and diagnostic methods, and remedial measures for building joints in the exterior envelope. It is restricted to those elements and joints found in large panel system dwellings. It does not deal with weather penetration through the body of materials, for example through the centre of concrete panels, or through masonry.
60 pages.