Product Details

Timber frame housing systems built in the UK between 1966 and 1975 (Scanned copy)

BRE Electronic Publications
I S McIntyre, A J Stevens
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 284, BR284
Published Date

Please note that this is a scanned copy, so the text is not as clear as in documents created as pdf files.

This report records the form of construction of timber frame dwellings built in the UK, primarily in the public sector, between 1966 and 1975. It identifies locations in the UK where deterioration has occurred, and highlights the areas in dwellings to which surveyors should pay particular attention when carrying out an inspection.

The report is based on the results of BRE investigations of over 70 dwellings built during this period, covering 34 different systems. Includes: Anchor 12M, Anvil, Arcal, Calverley Modular: directly clad, Calverley Modular: separately clad, Cameron, Engineered Homes, Eurodean, Facta, Forfar Borough, Frameform, Guildway, Hallam Mark 3, Hallam Volumetric, Jackson, Lovell, Mactrad, Medway, Metratrim, Midland Housing Consortium (MHC), Miller, Minox, Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MOHLG), Purpose Built: directly clad, Purpose Built: separately clad, Quikbild, Resiform, Rileyform, R M Rowlands (RMR), Rowcon: directly clad, Rowcon: separately clad, Shepherd, Silksworth, TRADA: directly clad, TRADA: separately clad, G Block Watne, Weir Multicom, and Yuill.

47 pages.


Timber frame housing systems built in the UK between 1966 and 1975 (Scanned copy)

List Price £ 27.50
Product Publisher