Temporary demountable grandstands: dynamic response
J D Littler
Subject / Keyword
Information Paper 3/00, IP3/2000
Published Date
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Concern has been expressed about the safety of various forms of grandstands when subjected to human loading, particularly loading which is synchronised and periodic as may occur at pop concerts. This paper gives details of the main results obtained from BRE full-scale tests on 50 temporary demountable stands. The dynamic behaviour of the empty stands in terms of their natural frequencies, damping values and mode shapes are presented. The results from 23 stands that were monitored during live events are also presented in terms of the peak accelerations and displacements obtained, and the changes in natural frequency and damping that occurred as the stand was loaded. This paper will be of interest to those engineers who are responsible for designing stands or for local authority licensing of stands. 8 pages.
Temporary demountable grandstands: dynamic response
List Price £ 9.00