Sustainability in the built environment: An introduction to its definition and measurement(BR 502) DOWNLOAD
BRE Electronic Publications
C Atkinson, A Yates and M Wyatt
Subject / Keyword
Published Date
The measurement of environmental performance and sustainability in the built environment is one of the most important issues facing policy makers and industry today. This report brings together current thinking on defining and measuring sustainability. It sets out concisely the key issues in this large and complex area. This subject is rapidly moving and this introductory primer provides a clear overview of the key issues and initiatives in the UK and internationally. It outlines a representative sample of the major tools and other initiatives that encourage improved performance in this field and describes the common features of assessment tools.
Illustrations: 5 line drawings
Pages: 40
- Introduction
- Sustainability of construction
- UK tools for measuring and rating sustainability of building materials and products
- BREEAM - BRE Environmental Assessment Method
- CSH - Code for Sustainable Homes
- DQI - Design Quality Indicator
- CEEQUAL - Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award Scheme
- Other tools (Environmental Profiles; The Green Guide to Specification; ENVEST)
- Responsible Sourcing of construction Materials
- The international standard scene
- ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems
- European Commission Mandate M350 - Integrated Environmental Performance of Buildings
- Green Globes
- BREEAM International
- LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- Green Star
- CASBEE - Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency
- World GBC
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
- SBA - Sustainable Buildings Alliance
- SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Supply chain management (FSC - Forest Stewardship Council; Framework for RSM standards)
- WWF - One Planet Future
- GRI - Global Reporting Initiative
- Common features of assessment tools
- Balanced scorecard
- Choice of credits
- Delivery in the marketplace
- Conclusions
- References; Websites for tools and organisations; Glossary of terms
Sustainability in the built environment: An introduction to its definition and measurement(BR 502) DOWNLOAD
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