Product Details

Sustainability in foundationsA review(Downloadable version)

BRE Electronic Publications
Tim Reynolds, Flavie Lowres and Tony Butcher
Subject / Keyword
IP11/10, IP 11/10, Information Paper 11/10
Published Date
There is increasing interest in sustainable development, 'zero-carbon' buildings and use of local, renewable, recycled and low-embodied-energy materials in construction. Cost considerations and ease of construction tend to dictate foundation choice. This may not always result in the most sustainable option. This Information Paper presents a review of the sustainability agenda, details influences on current foundation practice, discusses methodologies for assessing the sustainability of foundations and presents best practice guidance. Although some of the points discussed are relevant to foundations in general, this paper principally deals with the foundations of low-rise buildings, and housing in particular.(A4, 12pp) Illustrations 9 photos, 6 drawings Contents Introduction The sustainability agenda - programmes and operating principles - The Green Guide to Specification - BRE Environmental Profiles Methodology - BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes - CEEQUAL - Assessing the environmental impact of foundations Foundation practice - Function and types of foundations - Influence of ground conditions - Foundation loading and efficiency - Other considerations - Value engineering and innovation (Case studies: overdesign of foundations; benefits of foundation testing; alternative designs; innovative foundations; ground improvement through soil mixing; ground improvement through compaction) - A best practice approach Conclusions References Further reading Useful websites

Sustainability in foundationsA review(Downloadable version)

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