Product Details

Smart growth: a sustainable strategy for urban development and regeneration Downloadable Version

BRE Electronic Publications
C Clear, J Fisher and G Mayhew
A4 12pp
Subject / Keyword
IP12/12, IP 12/12, ip12/12, ip 12/12, smart growth, urban development, regeneration
Published Date

In today’s society, the built environment is shaped by a complex amalgam of policy, property-industry conventions and local opinion, and as such the current development of our urban realm is under extreme pressure. The government’s recent Localism Bill (and subsequent Localism Act) aims to address some of the issues and revive some of the sustainable development practices of old. However, it is not a panacea for ensuring quality and sustainable urban environments. A broader, more context-specific range of considerations needs to be taken into account.

This Information Paper presents the argument for a ‘smarter’ approach to policy making and development. It recognises the need for sustainable physical, social and economic growth and introduces the ‘Smart Growth’ framework through which this can be achieved. This framework promotes compact, permeable, vibrant developments that are served by sustainable transport and offer a range of experiences and opportunities for all. It draws upon existing examples – local, regional and nationwide – that have embedded smart principles into their development regimes and suggests mechanisms to help drive a ‘smarter’ agenda further. In summary, it can be seen that Smart Growth offers a new overarching strategy that sets a context for development decision making that is productively informed by local considerations, but also embraces the pressing need to encourage growth and competitiveness. The publication is aimed at planners, developers, architects and urban designers, and other third-sector parties interested in the creation of our urban development. It offers readers a better understanding of the full suite of Smart Growth issues and proposes examples as to how the principles can be implemented across varying political scales and design phases.



Smart Growth: the proposition

Smart Growth: reducing car dependency

Smart Growth in action

-National level: the second Scottish National Planning Framework and the Scottish Sustainable Communities


-Regional level: Hertfordshire guide to growth

-Local level: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea local development framework

-Site level: Napier Park, Luton

-Site level: Sherford, Plymouth

Driving Smart Growth




A4 12pp, 15 line drawings, 0 photos.

Available on or after 8/6/2012.




Smart growth: a sustainable strategy for urban development and regeneration Downloadable Version

List Price £ 13.00
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