Risks of dust fires and explosions: A review of European test methods(IP 14/08) DOWNLOAD
Industry handles many different materials that are combustible and fires occasionally occur. It is little known, however, that fine particulate material (dust or powder) not only has the potential to burn, but also to explode - a so-called dust explosion. Materials known to be susceptible include coal, sawdust, flour, sugar and powdered milk. Prevention and protection together control the hazard of industrial dust explosions, and a detailed knowledge of a dusts ignition and explosion properties underpins the whole basis of safety. To that end, a number of European test standards have been developed to properly measure and document a dusts properties and characteristics. This Information Paper describes the tests and how the results may be applied in practice to protect people, plant and property.
Format: A4
Pages: 8
Illustrations: 8 line drawings, 5 photos
Introduction to dust explosions
European test methods
- Explosion indices tests
- Minimum explosible concentration test
- Minimum ignition energy test
- Layer ignition test - Minimum ignition temperature test
- Limiting oxygen concentration test
- Isothermal basket test
Choosing the right test