Reinforced concrete service life design. Part 2. Design for durability.
BRE Electronic Publications
E Nolan, K Quillin, P Nixon, G Sergi, G Somerville.
Subject / Keyword
Information paper IP3/06 Part 2, reinforced concrete structures, design, durability.
Published Date
Part 1 of this information paper provides an overview of a service life design system developed by BRE for reinforced concrete structures. This system can be used to assist structural designers in meeting their client's requirements for service life, functionality and maintenance. This part (Part 2) discusses the detailed design stage, starting with existing best practice for the specification of durable concrete, derived from structural requirements taken from design codes and general requirements for durable concrete taken from standards and other publications. The paper then considers detailing for longer service life, buildability and maintaining quality on site, and briefly mentions extra measures to enhance service life, such as multilayer protection against chemical attack. More detail on enhanced protection is given in Part 3 of this paper. 6 pages.
Reinforced concrete service life design. Part 2. Design for durability.
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