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RECENTLY ARCHIVED - Non-traditional housing. A collection of BRE publications (AP 149) DOWNLOAD

BRE Electronic Publications
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Subject / Keyword
housing, non-traditional, traditional, AP149, BRE, CRC, prefabricated dwellings, prefabrication, modular construction.
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Constructional details, assessments of condition, details on maintenance and repair for various systems.

A collection of BRE publications:

Eighty-two previously published BRE reports and leaflets are brought together in this DOWNLOAD, most of them as .PDF image files.

The housing types covered are: reinforced concrete (cast-in-situ concrete, prefabricated reinforced concrete (PRC) and large panel system (LPS)), steel-framed and steel-clad, and timber-framed.

The publications cover constructional details of systems for the guidance of owners, lenders, surveyors and engineers evaluating systems; assessments of the structural condition of existing dwellings; and guidance on surveying, maintenance, rehabilitation and repair.


Cast-in-situ concrete dwellings

BR105 Boswell houses: investigation of structural condition (1987)

BR161 BRS Type 4 houses (1989)

BR130 The structural condition of Easiform cavity-walled dwellings (1988)

BR159 Fidler houses (1989)

BR155 Forrester-Marsh houses (1989)

BR157 Incast houses (1989)

BR190 Mowlem in-situ concrete low-rise dwellings (1991)

BR156 Cast Rendered No-Fines houses (1989)

BR153 The structural condition of Wimpey No-Fines low-rise dwellings (1989)

BR160 No-Fines houses (1989)

BR191 The renovation of no-fines housing: a guide to the performance and rehabilitation of loadbearing no-fines concrete dwellings built using the Wimpey and Scottish Special Housing Association systems (1991)

BR158 Universal houses (1989)

BR275 The structural condition of early cast-in-situ concrete low-rise dwellings (1996) [Only published electronically, not printed] Includes: Corolite No-Fines, Fidler, Airey Duo-Slab, Universal Type 2, Unit No-Fines, Forrester-Marsh, and Diatomite houses

BR318 The structural condition of cast-in-situ concrete high-rise dwellings (1996) [Only published electronically, not printed] Includes: Allbetong, Laidlaw-Thornton, MWM, Prometo, Sectra, and Wimpey No-Fines

Prefabricated reinforced concrete (PRC) dwellings

BR29 Airey houses: technical information and guidance (1982)

BR50 The structural condition of Ayrshire County Council (Lindsay) and Whitson-Fairhurst houses (1984)

OP25 Blackburn-Orlit houses: technical information (1984)

BR34 The structural condition of Boot pier and panel cavity houses (1983)

BR35 The structural condition of Cornish Unit houses (1983)

BR51 The structural condition of Dorran, Myton, Newland and Tarran houses (1984)

BR36 The structural condition of Orlit Houses (1983)

BR52 The structural condition of Parkinson Framed houses (1984)

BR53 The structural condition of Reema hollow panel system houses (1984)

BR37 The structural condition of Smith system houses (1983)

BR71 Smith system houses in Sandwell, West Midlands (1985)

BR54 The structural condition of Stent houses (1984)

BR55 The structural condition of Underdown and Winget houses (1984)

BR38 The structural condition of Unity houses (1983)

BR39 The structural condition of Wates prefabricated reinforced concrete houses (1983)

BR40 The structural condition of Woolaway houses (1983)

Large panel system (LPS) dwellings

BR118 Bison large panel system dwellings: constructional details (1987)

BR116 Reema large panel system dwellings: constructional details (1987)

BR63 Large panel systems: the structure of Ronan Point and other Taylor Woodrow-Anglian buildings (1985)

BR74 Large panel system dwellings: preliminary information on ownership and condition (1986) Includes: Anglia, A & C Barvis, Balency, Beale & Son, Belfry, Bison, BRS "battery cast", Bryant, Camus, Cebus, Crudens, Dare, EDLO, Edmonton Direct Labour Organisation, Fram Russell, GLE, Gregory, Harry Neal "battery cast", HSSB, Jesperson 12M, Lecaplan, Sir Lindsay Parkinson, MFC, Oakridge, PAC, Reema, Selleck Nicholls Williams, Shepherd Spacemaker, Skarne, Tracoba, Truscon, Taylor Woodrow Anglian, TWA, Wates, Weedon, YDG, Yorkshire Dev Group, System "XX", System "XXX", and System "Y"

BR107 The structural adequacy and durability of large panel system dwellings.

Part 1: Investigations of construction (1987) Includes: Balency, Bison, Bryant, Camus, Cebus, HSSB, Jespersen, PAC, Reema, Selleck Nicholls Williams, Shepherd Spacemaker, Skarne, Tracoba, Wates, and YDG

Part 2: Guidance on appraisal (1987)

IP8/87: Summary of the report (1987)

BR154 Improving the habitability of large panel system dwellings (1989)

BR93 Overcladding external walls of large panel system dwellings (1986)

BR185 Overroofing: especially for large panel system dwellings (1991)

BR214 Understanding and improving the weathertightness of large panel system dwellings (1992)


BR254 Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (1994)

Steel-framed and steel-clad dwellings

BR200 5M steel-framed houses (1991)

BR198 Arcal steel-framed houses (1991)

BR201 Arrowhead steel-framed houses (1991)

BR148 Atholl steel-framed, steel-clad houses (1989)

BR196 Birmingham Corporation steel-framed houses (1991)

BR202 British Housing steel-framed houses (1991)

BR77 The British Iron & Steel Federation (BISF) steel framed house (1986)

BR222 Coventry Corporation steel-framed houses (1992)

BR217 Cowieson steel-clad houses (1992)

BR145 Crane steel-framed bungalows (1989)

BR193 Cranwell steel-framed houses (1991)

BR139 Cruden Rural steel-framed houses (1989)

BR132 Cussins steel framed houses (1988)

BR120 Dennis-Wild steel framed houses (1988)

BR110 Dorlonco steel framed houses (1987)

BR149 Dorlonco steel framed houses. Supplement to BR110 (1989)

BR144 Falkiner-Nuttall steel-framed houses(1989)

BR152 Hawthorn Leslie steel-framed houses(1989)

BR197 Hills Presweld steel-framed houses (1991)

BR199 Homeville Industrialised steel-framed houses (1991)

BR78 Howard steel framed houses (1986)

BR203 Keyhouse Unibuilt steel-framed houses (1991)

BR133 Livett-Cartwright steel framed houses (1988)

BR188 Lowton-Cubitt steel-framed houses (1991)

BR163 Nissen-Petren steel-framed houses (1990)

BR204 Open System Building steel-framed houses (1991)

BR221 Riley steel-framed houses (1992)

BR119 Roften steel-framed houses (1988)

BR205 Steane steel-framed houses (1991)

BR219 Stuart steel-framed houses (1992)

BR111 Thorncliffe cast-iron panel houses (1987)

BR189 Telford steel-clad houses (1991)

BR147 Trusteel 3Msteel-framed houses (1989)

BR146 Trusteel Mk II steel-framed houses (1989)

BR218 Weir steel-clad (1920s) houses (1992)

BR113 Steel framed and steel clad houses: inspection and assessment (1987) Includes: A G B Modular 6, Adams Housing Syndicate, Arcal, Arcon Mk V, Arrowhead Housing, Atherton, Atholl, Bell-Livett, Birmingham Corporation, Blyth, Braby, Bracpress, Braithwaite Unit Framed House, British Housing, British Iron and Steel Federation House, Canister Housing, Chamelion, Connell, Clip Slab, Cornes, Coventry Corporation, Cowieson, Crane, Cranwell, Cruden, Crux, Cubitt, Cussins, Cussins/Cornes, Denis Poulton, Dennis, Dennis-Wild, Dorlonco, Doxford, Duplex, Falkiner Nuttal, Fincast, Formula, Gateshead Corporation, Gee Walker & Slater, Grid Housing, Hawthorne Leslie, Hills, Hitchins, Homeville Industrialised, Homeville System, Howard, Ibis, IDX-20, Index Home, Integer, Keyhouse Unibuilt, Korbel, Leeds Corporation, Livett Cartwright, Lowton Cubitt, Lynn, 5M, 5M Clasp, Mark, Marnel, Minox, Modform, Modular Housing, Modular 6, Modulow, Mucklow Plan, New Georgian, Nissen Petren , Northern Ideal Homesteads, Nuttall Mk I, Nuttall Mk II, Open System Building, Paragon, Plasteel, Poulson, Poulton, Presweld, Procol, Prowting Rigid, Quality, Reith, Resiform, RFC, Rigid Frame Construction, Riley, R M Housing, Roften Industrialised Houses, Rubery Owen, SASB Type R4, Seco, Simms C-DA, Steane, Stewart & Lloyd, Stuart, Swiftplan Multiflex H, Swiftplan Multiflex S, Symplex , T & N House, Telford, Tourba Construction Co, Thorncliffe, Trusteel, Turner & Newall, Universal Type 1, Walflor, Weir Douglas, Weir House, Weir Paragon, Weir Quality, and WH

Timber framed housing

BR282 Timber frame housing 1920-1975: inspection and assessment (1995) Includes: Aberdeen Corporation, Anchor 12M, Andover, Anvil, Anvil 6B, Appleyard, Arcal, Arrowsmith, Aspect, Barratt, Bennett, Blanefield, Boro, Borohus, Boulton & Paul, B & P, Brims, Build Form, Bur-Pal, Burt Boulton, Calder, Calder Grandridge, Calverdale, Calverley, Calverley Modular, Cameron, Canadian Commissioners Houses, Canadian Demonstration Timber, Canadian Timber, Carey Homes, Carnarvon, Caspon, Cathcart, CDC, Cedarwood, Cedarworth Homes, Celtic Homes, Challow, Chalowette, C M, C M Yuill, Colt Compton, Coronation, Cosmos, Cowieson, Cruden Unicorn, Czechoslovakian Timber, Dean, Derwent, Devon Lady, D L, Domus, Donald Cameron, Douglas, Dudley Coles, Eastwood, Edgell, Elsworthy, Engineered Homes, Errol, Eskdale, Eurodean, Facta, Faculty, Federated System Two, Flexi, Fontaberry, Forfar Borough, Formula, Framecourt, Frameform, Fredericks, Fredericks Cedarwood, Fredericks Frame System, Fribahus, Fribohus, Fribo Hus, G B Watne, G Block Watne, Goldcrest, Grampian, Grayholme, Guildway, H S D, Hall, Hallam, Hallam Homebuilder, Hallam Homepack, Hallam Mark 1, Hallam Mark 3, Hallam 3M, Hallam Volumetric, Hallamshire Mark 1, Hallamshire Mark 2, Halliwell, Heath, Hertfordshire County Council, Hitchins, Howard Mersham, Housing System Design, Hultsfred, Isec, Jackson, Jansel, Jicwood, Kier, Kilpeck, Kingston, LCC Mobile, LCC Special, LCC Timber, Lammermuir, Lanark County Council, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Linton, Linton TD, Llewellyn, Lothian, Lovell, Lovell Housing System, MHC, MOHLG, McAlpine, MacTrad, Mansard, Maple Leaf, Marley, Maxim, McLean, Medway, Metratrim, Meyer, Miller, Minox, Modern Building Wales, Modern Frame, Module Two, Moelven-Brug, Multicom, Multiflex H12, Multigrid, NBA Silkworth, Newcastle Corporation, New Trend, Norlog, Norwegian Log, Ontario, Parkway, Pennine, Pentland, Perren, Plus 3 Contracts, Prestoplan, Purpose Built, Puutala, Quikbild, Redesdale, Reeves Frame, Resiform, Rileyform, RMR, Rothwell-Perrin, Rowcon, Scan, Scano, Scottwood, Seco, Segal, Sellick Nicholl, Sellick Nicholl Williams, Shaddow Wall, Shepherd, Sherwood, Silksworth, Simms C-DA, Simms Sons and Cooke, Simms SWPA, Solid Cedar, Spooner, Spooner Caspon, SSHA Timber, SSHA Canadian Timber, Superhome, Swedish Timber, Swiftplan H12, Swiftplan Multiflex H12, Terrapin, Teviotdale, Timberflex, Timber Frame (UK) Ltd, Toogood, TRADA, TRADA Thus, Trybo, Tweedale, Unit System 67, USA, Variform, Wallis, Walton, Wates Low Rise, Watne, Weir Multicom , Weir Multigrid, Weir Prewar, Weir Timber, Well Built, Western Timber, Westminster, Westmorland, Wheatley, Yuill, YDG Yorkshire, Yorkshire Timber Frame, and Youngman 680

BR283 Timber frame housing systems built in the UK 1920-1965 (1995) Includes: Aberdeen Corporation, Calder, Canadian Timber, Lanark County Council, London County Council (LCC), LCC Special Dwellings, Newcastle Corporation, Scottish Special Housing Association (SSHA), Scottwood, Simms Sons and Cooke, Simms Sons and Cooke SWPA, Solid Cedar, Spooner, Spooner Caspon, Swedish Timber, and Weir Timber

BR284 Timber frame housing systems built in the UK 1966-1975 (1995) Includes: Anchor 12M, Anvil, Arcal, Calverley Modular: directly clad, Calverley Modular: separately clad, Cameron, Engineered Homes, Eurodean, Facta, Forfar Borough, Frameform, Guildway, Hallam Mark 3, Hallam Volumetric, Jackson, Lovell, Mactrad, Medway, Metratrim, Midland Housing Consortium (MHC), Miller, Minox, Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MOHLG), Purpose Built: directly clad, Purpose Built: separately clad, Quikbild, Resiform, Rileyform, R M Rowlands (RMR), Rowcon: directly clad, Rowcon: separately clad, Shepherd, Silksworth, TRADA: directly clad, TRADA: separately clad, G Block Watne, Weir Multicom, and Yuill

BR233 Briefing guide for timber-framed housing (1993)

BR228 Moisture conditions in the walls of timber-framed housing (1992)

See also the BRE CDROM which covers more briefly hundreds of other more obscure system-built homes - "Non-traditional houses - identifying non-traditional houses in the UK 1918-75" 


RECENTLY ARCHIVED - Non-traditional housing. A collection of BRE publications (AP 149) DOWNLOAD

List Price £ 150.00
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