Product Details

Radon in the workplace: A guide for building owners and managers (FB 41) DOWNLOAD

BRE Electronic Publications
C Scivyer
A4 74pp
Subject / Keyword
Radon, FB41, FB 41, fb41, fb 41
Published Date

This second edition is a guide to reducing the risk of exposure to radon in the workplace has been thoroughly updated to include lessons learned and changes in legislation since the first edition was published in 1995. It is aimed at managers, maintenance staff and building contractors who need to determine whether a building has a radon problem or to reduce known elevated radon levels. Step by step, the guide describes the process of dealing with radon in workplace buildings. It will help employers comply with radon requirements in the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999, which were made under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This publication replaces BR293.

The solutions described are straightforward to implement. The highly illustrated guide describes how to identify common construction types and their impact on radon, and explains simply how buildings work and how different ventilation regimes can affect radon levels. Twelve case studies describe different building types together with appropriate solutions. 

BRE prepared this guide with assistance from the Health and Safety Executive, Health Protection Agency, Cornwall Council and contractors installing radon remedial measures.

1 Introduction

Radon and its health effects. Legislation: employer’s responsibility in the workplace

2 Measurement of radon in the workplace

3 Identifying the problem

Background information. Construction survey of the property

4 Choosing a solution

Generic solutions. Solutions for complicated situations

5 Getting the work done

6 Additional considerations

Retesting for radon. Additional protection for landfill gas. New buildings, extensions and major alterations and conversion works

7 Further reading

8 Useful addresses

Appendix: case studies

Doctors surgery. Primary school. Offices. Joinery workshop and offices. Office block. Office block. Primary school. Offices. Public house. Factory and offices. Small shop. Hostel.

A4 74pp

Available on or after 26th October, 2011.


Radon in the workplace: A guide for building owners and managers (FB 41) DOWNLOAD

List Price £ 30.00
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