Obtrusive light from proposed developments(DG529) DOWNLOAD
Most new developments have some form of external lighting. Lighting enables outdoor work and sports to continue after dark, makes roadways and pathways safer and can improve site security and provide decorative effects to enhance the night-time environment. However, unwanted spill light may annoy neighbours, cause glare or distraction or result in sky glow. This Digest outlines how such obtrusive light can be addressed when a development is proposed. It explains the current guidelines and how they can be applied to different types of lighting. It deals with issues like spill light from floodlighting and from indoor lighting within a proposed building such as an office block. It will be of interest to planning officials, developers, architects and lighting engineers.
Planning and obtrusive light
Legislation and guidance
Technical guidance
-Establishing the need for lighting
-Environmental zones-Curfews
-Numerical guidance criteria (Sky glow, upward light ratio or upward light output ratio; Uplighters; Light trespass into windows; Source intensity; Building luminance)
-Spill light from interior lighting in buildings
Lamp types
A4, 12pp
2 line drawings, 7 photos