Product Details

Masterplanning science and technology parksA BRE Guide >(Downloadable version)

BRE Electronic Publications
Christopher Watson
A4, 132pp
Subject / Keyword
BR 505
Published Date

This guide, produced in association with EEDA, is aimed at senior management and directors, gives insight to the process of masterplanning science and technology parks in a regional context. It will help organisations to produce a successful masterplan, developing a vision and strategic approach to the development of their site as an environment that will foster innovation, excellence and growth, and bring long-term social, environmental and economic benefits to their business, the locality and the region. A masterplanning exercise demands significant investment of time and money so it is important to get it right. This guide gives advice on: developing the vision and establishing the right team, option appraisals, understanding the site and planning constraints, consulting with stakeholders, and taking account of the human factors (corporate social responsibility), being aware of the environmental impacts and forming the right relationship with a fully briefed developer.


1 Introduction and scope

2 Why prepare a masterplan?
The purpose of the guide. The benefits of masterplanning. Approaches to masterplanning

3 Vision and strategy
The vision. Vision champion. Establishing the vision. Vision workshop. Establishing the strategy. The business case. Governance. Corporate social responsibility. The human dimension. Managing conflicts. Alternative strategies. What are the alternatives to a masterplan?

4 Sustainability
Sustainability masterplanning categories. Sustainability visioning and objective setting. Sustainability masterplan assessment tools

5 Site constraints and opportunities
Site constraints. When to carry out investigations. How to present the information

6 Selection of advisers

7 Economic appraisals: an overview
Options appraisal process. Options to be considered

8 Needs and demands analysis

9 Planning constraints and opportunities
Planning issues. Section 106 agreements. Highways. Other issues. Types of permission

10 Masterplanning and stakeholder engagement
Background. Why involve stakeholders in master¬planning exercises? Sustainability. The process of stakeholder engagement. Charrette. Examples of stakeholder engagement. Stakeholder communication

11 Environmental impact assessments
Why conduct environmental impact assessments? Foul sewerage. Water quality. Flooding. Noise. Land contamination and load bearing capacity. Archaeology and historic environ¬ment. Air quality. Ventilation. Site waste management plans. Daylight/sunlight assessment. Electromagnetic interference. Microclimate and wind environment. Ecology. Transport

12 Energy performance certificates
Energy performance certificates for non-dwellings. Energy performance certificates for dwellings. Objectives

13 Briefing the developer
Selecting the developer. Outline of requirements. More specific requirements. The developer’s response. The next steps. Summary

14 Case studies
Cambridge Science Park. Colworth Park. Chesterford Research Park. BT Adastral Park. Granta Park. St John’s Innovation Centre

15 Conclusions

16 References and further reading
Appendices: Toolkit for preparing a masterplanning brief; Environmental impact assessment (Legislation, Acts of Parliament, regulations, European Directives and codes of practice. Foul sewerage. Water quality. Flooding. Noise. Land contamination. Archaeology and historic environment. Air quality. Ventilation. Site waste management plans. Daylight and sunlight. Microclimate and wind environment. Ecology. Environmental impact assessment: Transport


144 pages.

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Masterplanning science and technology parksA BRE Guide >(Downloadable version)

List Price £ 120.00
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