Locating ventilation inlets to reduce ingress of external pollutants into buildings: A new methodology (IP 9/14) DOWNLOAD
Effective ventilation of buildings to provide optimum indoor air quality relies on good outdoor air quality in the locality of the building. However, in practice, outdoor air is often contaminated by pollutants from external sources. A new methodology giving a Pollutant Ingress Index has been developed to identify the areas of a building where pollutant ingress is most likely to occur and to determine the relative magnitude of this ingress. Application of the methodology will assist with:- optimum placement of building ventilation inlets so that pollution from local sources can be minimised, thereby providing improved indoor air quality- carrying out more effective air quality assessments in relation to indoor air quality, thereby ensuring successful planning applications for new developments and refurbishment projects- developing strategies to protect building occupants from toxic contaminants releases, whether accidentally (eg from storage tanks and fires) or intentionally (eg from chemical, biological, radiological and explosive incidents).The methodology is intended for use by building industry professionals (eg architects, developers, planners and building services engineers) and regulatory authorities (eg environmental health, building control and planning officers and public health departments).
Earlier BRE studies
Impact of outdoor pollutants on indoor environments
Methodology for determining the Pollutant Ingress Index
Wind tunnel studies
- Wind tunnel set-up
- Range of experiments
- Pressure measurements
- Concentration measurements
- Application of wind tunnel results to full
-scale scenarios
Application of the new methodology
- Examples of Pollutant Ingress Index for wind-driven ventilation
- Summary of Pollutant Ingress Index results
Practical application of the Pollutant Ingress Index
- Location of ventilation intakes for good indoor air quality
- Air quality assessments and planning applications
- Protection of buildings from external contaminant incidents
16pp A4, 33 drawings, 2 photos