Product Details
Book Badged Archived

Impact of climate change on building

S L Garvin, M C Phillipson, C H Sanders, C S Hayles, G T Dow
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 349, BR349
Published Date
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The impacts of climate change are some of the most pressing issues facing society. The purpose of this report is to disseminate to the building industry the scope of potential impacts that future climate change may have on the built environment in the United Kingdom. It also aims to develop acceptance of the reality of climate change and its effects on future building by the building community and so stimulate debate as to how the effects of these impacts can be minimised. This report will inform government, regulators, local authorities, housing associations, clients, financial institutions, building professionals and all others who have a stake in UK construction of the extent to which climate change may affect the UK building stock. 48 pages.
Book Badged Archived

Impact of climate change on building

List Price £ 30.00
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