Product Details

Hemp lime: An introduction to low-impact building materials Downloadable Version

BRE Electronic Publications
A Sutton, D Black (BRE) and P Walker (University of Bath)
A4 6pp
Subject / Keyword
hemp, lime, low-impact building materials, IP14/11, IP 14/11, ip14/11, ip 14/11, AP289, AP 289, ap 289, ap289
Published Date

This Information Paper provides a broad view of the benefits and limitations of non-loadbearing hemp lime walls for those considering their use in construction projects.

Hemp lime is a low-carbon building material with good insulation properties and robustness. It is particularly suited to projects where the design calls for a rendered or rain-screened external finish, good insulation and minimal thermal bridges. It is most commonly used in conjunction with timber frames, but can act as a non-structural walling element for a variety of construction types, including lining masonry walls.

This is one in a series of five Information Papers and parallel case studies on low-impact building materials. The others cover straw bale, unfired clay masonry, cross-laminated timber and natural fibre insulation.

A4 6pp

Also available as part of a set of 5 BRE Information Papers which can be purchased from

Available on or after 31st October, 2011.


Hemp lime: An introduction to low-impact building materials Downloadable Version

List Price £ 9.50
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