Product Details

Handbook for the structural assessment of large panel system (LPS) dwelling blocks for accidental loading(BR 511) DOWNLOAD

BRE Electronic Publications
S Matthews, B Reeves
A4 236pp
Subject / Keyword
structural assessment, BR511, BR 511, br511, br 511, building elements, structures, structural design, performance, dwelling blocks, accidental loading
Published Date


This handbook presents new guidance on the structural assessment and strengthening options for large panel system (LPS) dwelling blocks, focusing primarily on their resistance to accidental loading associated with gas explosions and supported by extensive background information.

The progressive collapse of part of Ronan Point tower block in east London in 1968 was a significant event in structural engineering in relation to the understanding of disproportionate damage to structures. There have been extensive research and investigations since then, including full-scale structural load tests on a block in Liverpool, which are taken fully into account.

The handbook:

- defines the requirements to be met and the criteria against which the results of a structural assessment of this particular class of building should be judged.  These are seen to effectively supersede the previous guidance set down in the Ministry of Housing and Local Government Circulars dating back to 1968.

- gives guidance on how to undertake the structural assessments which are required, drawing on previously unpublished technical information including the results of a number of full-scale load tests to failure that give a better appreciation of the actual strength and potential performance of these buildings should they be subject to an internal gas explosion.

- details the historic background to these requirements, with these being brought up to date and set in the contemporary philosophical context of the requirements of the recently introduced structural Eurocodes.

- explains the risk environment which applies to this class of building.

- provides an overview of durability assessment/intervention and strengthening options.


Executive summary. Overview. Glossary and definitions. 1. Introduction and scope. 2. Requirements for structural assessment of LPS dwelling blocks for accidental loading. 3. Building regulation and LPS assessment requirements, progressive collapse and related matters. 4. Through-life performance and assessment issues. 5. Hazard identification. 6. Risk issues. 7. Origin of current national assessment overpressure criteria. 8. Structural performance of LPS dwellings blocks evaluated by recent full-scale load tests carried out by BRE. 9. LPS dwelling block assessment. 10. Other considerations. 11. Summary. 12. Methodology for through-life management and assessment. 13. Structural strengthening options. 14. Concluding remarks. 15. References. 16. Bibliography and further reading. Annexes: Development of 'regulatory' requirements. Hazard environment. Risk issues. Historical review. BRE tests. Finite element analyses and calibration exercises for 1990s BRE load tests. BRE load testing of Bison Wallframe, Liverpool. Finite element analyses and calibration exercises for Bison Wallframe. Strengthening options. Assessment case studies. BRE trials to determine coefficient of friction at base of wall panels.

A4 236pp, 108 line drawings, 30 photos


Handbook for the structural assessment of large panel system (LPS) dwelling blocks for accidental loading(BR 511) DOWNLOAD

List Price £ 85.00
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