Product Details

Free cooling with displacement ventilation (Downloadable version)

BRE Electronic Publications
D Butler, M Swainson, A Perry
Subject / Keyword
Information paper 6/02, IP6/2002 natural ventilation, fabric diffusers, air temperature, thermal comfort, draughts, temperature gradients
Published Date

Displacement ventilation uses air supplied at a temperature, typically around 19 deg C for offices, which is only slightly cooler than the design temperature of the occupied zone. This is a much higher temperature than used for conventional mixed flow ventilation systems and creates opportunities for using fresh-air based ’free cooling’ for a large proportion of the year. Conventional displacement ventilation design practice has suggested that, for normal office buildings, the cooling capacity of many displacement ventilation systems is limited to around 25 W/m2. However, recent BRE research has shown that displacement ventilation on its own using appropriate diffusers can deal with heat loads of around 50-60 W/m2 in typical office environments without causing thermal discomfort outside the diffuser outflow zone. This opens up the possibility of using free cooling to reduce the energy used for cooling. 8 pages.


Free cooling with displacement ventilation (Downloadable version)

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