Fire safety and security in retail premises: a practical guide for owners, managers and responsible persons (BR 508) (DOWNLOAD)
This guide provides practical information on assessing the risk of fire and enhancing the security of retail premises. It is aimed at everyone who is responsible for the care and safety of customers, employees and visitors, and for the property and assets of the premises. It identifies the important issues, and encourages an approach in which good fire safety and security practice become familiar and normal to employees. All retail premises have to comply with fire and health and safety legislation and, with responsibility for premises becoming more and more onerous, doing nothing is no longer an option. From the Foreword by Patrick Heaney, Group Fire Safety Manager, J Sainsbury plc: "It is vitally important that retailers do everything reasonably practicable to protect their colleagues, customers and premises from the many fire and security risks faced by their business on a daily basis."
Illustrations:1 line drawing, 31 photos
About BRE Global
1 Introduction
1.1 Aims of this guide
1.2 Retail premises and the law
1.3 Fire regulations
1.4 Building regulations
1.5 Other relevant legislation
2 Fire safety
2.1 How fires start
2.2 Fire safety management
2.3 Fire risk assessment
2.4 Fire safety training
2.5 Fire emergency plan
2.6 Communicating the fire safety message
2.7 Fire safety measures
2.8 Escaping from fire
2.9 How safe is your business?
2.10 Fire safety checklist
3 Security
3.1 Security and understanding crime
3.2 Organising security to reduce crime
3.3 The walk through
3.4 Responding to the findings of your walk through
3.5 Security management - a suggested approach
3.6 Security checklist
4 Sources of specialist help, advice and training