External cladding: how to determine the thickness of natural stone panels (Scanned copy)
BRE Electronic Publications
T J S Yates, S L Matthews, B Chakrabarti
6 pages
Subject / Keyword
Information Paper 7/98, IP7/98, limestone, sandstone, cladding, panels, strength, wind speed, wind loading, modelling.
Published Date
Please note that this is a scanned copy of a paper originally published in 1998, so the text and photographs are not as clear as in documents created as pdf files.
Describes in simple steps two ways to establish the suitability of a cladding panel: by direct reference to the load to be carried and by comparison with stones that can be specified at thinner sizes. These methods apply to most types but are of particular importance to limestones and sandstones where the current recommended thickness of 70 mm is often a significant barrier to the use of many traditional UK limestones.
External cladding: how to determine the thickness of natural stone panels (Scanned copy)
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