Energy surveys and audits: A guide to best practice DOWNLOADABLE VERSION
The objective of this Information Paper is to bring together BRE’s wide-ranging knowledge and experience in energy surveys and auditing into a single publication. This is not a comprehensive technical guide, but highlights the important issues that need to be considered and directs the reader to more detailed technical information where appropriate. Guidance contained herein is applicable to:
-energy and facility managers looking to employ energy consultants to complete energy audits and surveys – to understand the scope and context of the works
-energy consultants and advisers looking to maintain their professional expertise and to update their knowledge of the approach and techniques needed to comply with recent and imminent legislation and standards
-system and equipment suppliers looking to assess how their particular technology or service will support clients in meeting recent and imminent legislation and standards.
EU Directive 2011/0172 mandates energy audits for all organisations, apart from small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and that these audits should take into account relevant European or International Standards, such as ISO 50001:2011 () or BS EN 16247-1:2012 (). At this point it should be noted that ISO 50001 refers to ‘energy reviews’ not ‘audits’, but in practical terms the audits defined in BS EN 16247-1 more than meet the requirements of ISO 50001.
This publication follows the structure of BS EN 16247-1 and reviews its content. It is intended to put sufficient flesh on the bones of the standard to enable good-quality audits to be specified.