Product Details

Effect of polypropylene fibres on performance in fire of high grade concrete (Downloadable version)

BRE Electronic Publications
N Clayton, T Lennon
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 395, BR395
Published Date

The use of high grade concrete in buildings is an important innovation that can reduce the size of structural elements compared with those made from normal grade concrete, but there is concern that its susceptibility to spalling is increased in fire. Based on fire tests of concrete columns, this report gives information and recommendations on the use of polypropylene fibres to improve the performance of high grade concrete in fire. Incorporating polypropylene fibres into the mix prevented spalling in all the fire tests performed but led to no difference in the ability of the columns to survive the fire test. Separate strength tests on specimens showed that addition of fibres to the concrete led to a reduced cube compressive strength, which needs to be allowed for in design. 32 pages.


Effect of polypropylene fibres on performance in fire of high grade concrete (Downloadable version)

List Price £ 35.00
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