Product Details

Dynamic comfort criteria for structures: A review of UK codes, standards and advisory documents Downloadable Version

BRE Electronic Publications
Gordon Breeze
A4 56pp
Subject / Keyword
FB33, FB 33, fb33, fb 33, Comfort criteria, UK codes, standards, advisory
Published Date

The effects of vibration are increasingly important in the design of buildings and building elements. Modern, lighter buildings respond more to imposed vibration, so people are more likely to experience vibration. This BRE Trust Report distils the themes and disparate (sometimes conflicting) acceleration comfort criteria associated with building vibration. It considers the Eurocodes, British and ISO Standards, and other sources of information.  

The status of dynamic testing is discussed, as well as the underlying principles of common test methods. Practical advice is included, and full-scale measurements presented that illustrate the issues.

This technical review is aimed at building designers, consultants, architects and structural engineers. By presenting all the relevant acceleration criteria in one document in a logical and concise way, it is hoped that the complex and interlinking nature of this subject will be better understood.



Executive summary

1 Introduction

2 Background information

Preamble. Units of acceleration. Coordinate axis systems. Acceleration vectors. Weighting factors. Measures of acceleration

3 General acceleration serviceability criteria

4 Horizontal acceleration criteria

Preamble. Wind criteria. Criteria not related directly to wind

5 Vertical acceleration criteria

Preamble. Eurocodes. ISO Standards. British Standards

6 Specialised buildings

Grandstands and sports stadia. Hospitals. Car parks

7 Guidance given by UK Building Regulations, trade associations and other industry bodies

UK Building Regulations. Trade associations and other industry bodies

8 Dynamic testing of buildings and building elements

Preamble. Introduction. Commonly used test methods. Practical use of dynamic testing

9 Conclusions

10 References

Appendices: Vectors and vector addition; Buildings with complex vibration motions; Acceleration weighting factors


Dynamic comfort criteria for structures: A review of UK codes, standards and advisory documents Downloadable Version

List Price £ 30.00
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