Product Details

Domestic energy fact file: local authority homes

G A Walters, I Kempson, L D Shorrock
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 409, BR409, housing, energy consumption, energy efficiency, heating, thermal insulation, thermal comfort, fuel, carbon dioxide emissions, statistics.
Published Date
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One of four reports providing information on trends in energy use and energy efficiency in four specific sectors of the UK housing stock between 1970 and 1998. It presents tables, graphs and charts equivalent to those in the Domestic Energy Fact File 1998 which covers all tenures and provides a full discussion and explanation. Statistics are given for: Household expenditure on fuel, light and power; Households and household size; Age and regional distribution of the housing stock; Prevalence of double-glazing and thermal insulation measures; Energy consumption by fuel and consequent carbon dioxide emissions. Although this report focuses on local authority homes it also draws comparisons with other tenures (primarily with owner occupied homes) to illustrate important points. 27 pages. The four reports replace the three tenure-based Domestic Energy Fact Files produced in 1994 and are available as a package - see AP139.

Domestic energy fact file: local authority homes

List Price £ 40.00
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