Designing for pedestrians: a guide to good practice(EP 67) DOWNLOAD
Providing for walking - whether as a means of transport for commuting to work, to school or as a leisure activity - is becoming increasingly important. The challenges posed by increased housing, rising car ownership, and increased accessibility to services and employment, are also putting stress upon our road network.
In this guide, Essex County Council sets out technical guidance for designers and engineers on a range of facilities to provide for an enhanced walking environment for all. The guidance focuses particularly on improving the walking environment to give greater access to persons with mobility impairment.
While the guide has been developed for the management of the walking environment in Essex, the recommendations and information can be readily adapted and applied to local circumstances throughout the UK to take account of local policies and conditions. 72 pages.
Introduction and objectives
Why focus on walking?
Section 1 Guidance on good practice
Functional route hierarchy
Footway design
Section 2 Provision for people with mobility and
sensory impairment
Accessibility (ramps, steps and handrails)
Guard railing
Car parking provision for disabled people
Section 3 Pedestrian signing
Mounting height
Section 4 Improving the environment for walking
Pedestrian audit and review
Utilities and street works
Other obstructions
Overhanging vegetation
Trees and landscaping
Street cleaning
Waste bins
Dog waste
Control of dogs
Street lighting
Parking on the footway
Section 5 Crossing facilities
Dropped kerbs
Pedestrian refuges
Side road crossings
General points on signal controlled crossings
Zebra crossings
Pelican crossings
Puffin, toucan and pegasus crossings
Pedestrian facilities at traffic signals
Audible and tactile signals
Subways and footbridges
Vehicle crossings
Tactile paving
Shared use cyclist and pedestrian facilities
Bus stops and public transport interchanges -
providing for pedestrians
Section 6 Shared use pedestrian and cyclist
Finger posts and waymarkers
Quiet lanes and home zones
Rural pedestrians
Section 7 Initiatives
Safer journeys to school
Road safety initiatives
Speed management
Section 8 Consultation and monitoring
Relevant legislation
Appendix 1 Legal considerations
Creation of new off-carriageway routes (under
the Highways Act 1980)
The Road Traffic Regulation 1984
Appendix 2 Shopmobility contacts
Appendix 3 Essex County Council contacts