Product Details

Delivering waste efficiency in commercial buildings: A guide for facilities managers (IP 12/14)

BRE Electronic Publications
Stuart Blofeld
Subject / Keyword
IP12/14, facilities managers, waste prevention,
Published Date

This Information Paper draws on the knowledge and experience of BRE’s resource efficiency team to provide targeted guidance on how to implement an integrated waste management strategy through improved facilities management. It is the latest in a series of BRE publications providing guidance for facilities managers, maintenance contractors, and building owners on a number of issues relating to the operation and management of commercial buildings.
The provision of waste management services in commercial buildings can be varied, with many different operating models dependent on the contractual arrangements in place between the building owner, facilities management company, tenants and waste management contractors. The guidance contained in this Information Paper is mainly targeted at facilities managers (FMs) who are responsible for organising waste management services.
Waste management is becoming an increasingly important part of a FM’s role, with key drivers including: -compliance with existing waste legislation -pressure to reduce building management costs and increase profitability-implementation of company environmental management systems that require better reporting of waste management.
This Information Paper gives an overview of the waste hierarchy and UK waste legislation before examining the techniques available for understanding the causes of waste, and the actions that can be taken to prevent waste. It also provides guidance on the role of benchmarking performance and setting targets, the importance of user engagement and the key issues to consider when contracting waste management services. 


Delivering waste efficiency in commercial buildings: A guide for facilities managers (IP 12/14)

List Price £ 15.00
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