Crime opportunity profiling of streets (COPS): a quick crime analysis - rapid implementation approach (Downloadable version)
This report is an overview that evaluates European practices for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), and forms exemplars into a toolkit of crime and anti-social behaviour prevention strategies.
The following tools were identified for detailed analysis and to form part of the toolkit:
● Crime Opportunity Profiling of
Streets (COPS), UK
● Kids & Space, the Netherlands
● Virtual CPTED, the Netherlands
● Visual Inspection/Stickers to Safety, the Netherlands
● Police Label Secured Housing, the Netherlands
● Criminological Regional Analysis(CRA), Germany
● Integrated Audits (in crime prevention and traffic safety), Germany
The research demonstrated that the most effective approach across Europe combines: physical approaches, focusing on architecture, urban planning, target hardening, etc; social approaches focusing on victims, offenders, guardians, city management, maintenance, etc, and organisational approaches focusing on structuring the partnership process of implementing measures. 48 pages.
Sixteen annexes on a CD-ROMprovide case studies, supporting papers and presentations on the individual tools from the project partners, with numerous colour illustrations (provided as a ZIP file for downloads).