Product Details

Crime opportunity profiling of streets (COPS): a quick crime analysis - rapid implementation approach (Downloadable version)

BRE Electronic Publications
J Oxley, P Reijnhoudt, P van Soomeren, C Beckford, A Jongejan, J Jager.
Subject / Keyword
FB12, COPS, crime, crime prevention, environmental design, town planning.
Published Date

This report is an overview that evaluates European practices for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), and forms exemplars into a toolkit of crime and anti-social behaviour prevention strategies.

The following tools were identified for detailed analysis and to form part of the toolkit:
● Crime Opportunity Profiling of
Streets (COPS), UK
● Kids & Space, the Netherlands
● Virtual CPTED, the Netherlands
● Visual Inspection/Stickers to Safety, the Netherlands
● Police Label Secured Housing, the Netherlands
● Criminological Regional Analysis(CRA), Germany
● Integrated Audits (in crime prevention and traffic safety), Germany

The research demonstrated that the most effective approach across Europe combines: physical approaches, focusing on architecture, urban planning, target hardening, etc; social approaches focusing on victims, offenders, guardians, city management, maintenance, etc, and organisational approaches focusing on structuring the partnership process of implementing measures. 48 pages.

Sixteen annexes on a CD-ROMprovide case studies, supporting papers and presentations on the individual tools from the project partners, with numerous colour illustrations (provided as a ZIP file for downloads).


Crime opportunity profiling of streets (COPS): a quick crime analysis - rapid implementation approach (Downloadable version)

List Price £ 47.50
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