Product Details
Book Archived

Contributions to the BGS symposium on field instrumentation

BRE Archive
Burland J B, Moore J F A, Cheney J E, Cooke R W, Price G, Marsland A, Eason B J, Penman A D M, Charles J A.
71 pages
Subject / Keyword
BRE Current Paper CP26/73, foundations, displacement, movement, measurement, dams.
Published Date
BRE Current Paper CP26/73


Whilst this publication can still be purchased some of the information in it has been superseded by more recent research and standards. The BRE Group does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage, including - without limitation - indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from use, or loss of use, of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this document.

This C urr en t P ape r brin gs to ge th e r six p a p e r s pres e nted a t t h e Briti s h Geot ec hnic a l Socie t y Sympos ium on Field Instrum e ntation, h eld on 30 M ay to 1 June 1 973 a t the In s tituti o n of Electrical Engineers, London.


Summary of Papers


1 J B Burland and J F A Moore

The measurement of ground displacement around deep excavations

2 J E Cheney

Techniques and equipment using the surveyor's level for accurate measurement of building movement

3 R W Cooke and G Price

Horizontal inclinometers for the measurement of vertical displacement in the soil around experimental foundations

4 A Marsland and B J Eason

Measurement of displacements in the ground below loaded plates in deep boreholes

5 A Marsland

Instrumentation of flood defence banks along the River Thames

6 A D M Penman and J A Charles

Measurement of movements of embankment dams

Book Archived

Contributions to the BGS symposium on field instrumentation

List Price £ 10.00
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