Product Details

Construction Process Improvement

B Atkin, J Borgbrant, P-E Josephson
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Construction Process Improvement showcases 21 examples of how directed efforts are being taken to raise productivity and quality, reduce waste and costs, and provide more certain and durable products for the sector's customers. Each example is the subject of a closely coupled collaborative project in which answers are being sought on matters of strategic importance to companies. The chapters that describe and discuss these projects balance state-of-the-art reviews with details of the work being undertaken and, in many cases, the results that are being implemented within the companies.

Construction Process Improvement deals with issues that matter to best practice companies and researchers in industry and universities. It covers, amongst other topics, modularisation for manufactured housing, life cycle methods in housing, commercial buildings and services installations, tools and techniques for performance prediction and diagnostics, coordination of design and production processes, novel use of traditional materials, new forms of procurement and the role of innovation, public-private partnerships, partnering structures, learning organisations, management of major refurbishment, management information systems, TQM and continuous improvement, CAAD methodology, tools and 4-D CAD and facilities management.

This book analyses the way forward for improving the construction process, in particular the links between research and development and industrial competitiveness. The implementation of new methods and thinking in companies is examined and important advice for senior managers and researchers is offered. 272 pages.


BRE also provides the YellowJacket Process Improvement Tool to analyse time spent on non-value-added activities.


Construction Process Improvement

List Price £ 54.99
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