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Conservation and cleaning of masonry: Part 1. StoneworkDOWNLOAD

BRE Electronic Publications
R de Vekey
Subject / Keyword
Published Date
The use of appropriate conservation techniques is critical to the preservation of buildings. Part 1 of this 3-part Digest gives advice on how to apply safe, effective, appropriate and enduring conservation techniques to stonework. It outlines how to identify the stone and associated mortars, and how to diagnose the causes of soiling and deterioration. It advocates avoidance of cleaning to optimise the life of masonry but outlines its use where appropriate. The other parts will cover conservation of terracotta, brickwork, renders, plasters and stucco. The companion Digest 502 explains the principles of the conservation of masonry in historic buildings.

Pages: 20

Format: A4

Illustrations: 4 line drawings, 10 photos

Identifying existing stone and mortar - Properties and identification of stone materials - Properties and identification of mortars Causes of deterioration - Diagnosis - Decay Remedial work - Cleaning and decontamination techniques - Trial cleaning techniques and assessment procedures Repairs - Repair materials - Repair methodology - Repair techniques - Specialised materials and techniques Conclusion References Appendices: Test standards for stone, masonry mortar and masonry composites; UK exposure zones; In-situ test methods for strength of mortar and stress in masonry Other publications that may also be of interest
Conservation and cleaning of masonry - Part 2: Brickwork, blockwork and terracotta
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Conservation and cleaning of masonry: Part 1. StoneworkDOWNLOAD

List Price £ 22.50
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