Concrete repairs - combined set of two CONREPNET reports
Subject / Keyword
EP81, EP77, EP79, concrete structures, repair.
Published Date
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* A set of two major reports on performance of concrete repairs, and performance-based intervention strategy These two reports are derived from the European CONREPNET network on concrete repair. The first (Concrete repairs: performance in service and current practice, EP79) assesses case histories gathered from owners of concrete structures, repairers and research institutes. A review of the problems of concrete durability, current issues of sustainability, and the differing expectations of what concrete repairs should achieve, provide an insightful introduction to the subject. The second report (Achieving durable repaired concrete structures: adopting a performance-based intervention strategy, EP77) offers a new way forward for achieving durable and long-lasting concrete repairs. It presents a methodology for protecting and repairing concrete structures using a performance-based intervention approach. It explains current practices and recent research and developments, and the drivers for change. It then considers performance-based approaches, develops concepts for performance-based intervention in concrete repair and sets down ways for translating owners' requirements into technical solutions. The third part deals with issues of applying performance-based intervention. Conclusions from the findings of the network organisations and recommendations on a number of fronts are then made. Annexes provide extensive background information. A4 paperback format, 190 pages + 56 pages.
Concrete repairs - combined set of two CONREPNET reports
List Price £ 75.00