Carbon emission reductions from energy efficiency improvements to the UK housing stock
L D Shorrock, J Henderson, J I Utley, G A Walters
Subject / Keyword
BRE Report 435, BR 435, thermal insulation, loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, condensing boilers, low energy lighting, solar water heating, solid wall insulation, double glazing, cost-effectiveness, grants, electrical appliances, energy efficiency
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Updated statistics in BR480 (2005). In 1990 BRE published a report on energy use in buildings and carbon dioxide emissions, providing an account of the current state of knowledge for the UK. This report updates the earlier work for housing, taking account of new data and improved analytical techniques. The work follows three related lines of investigation: assessment of the cost-effectiveness of 28 individual energy-efficiency measures or products and the carbon savings that these could produce; assessment of the success of past energy-efficiency policies (ie grants for energy efficiency improvements); and development of future scenarios for energy use and carbon emissions of the housing stock. 70 pages.
Carbon emission reductions from energy efficiency improvements to the UK housing stock
List Price £ 42.50