Product Details

Building-integrated photovoltaic systems: Challenges and opportunities for manufacturers and specifiers Downloadable Version

BRE Electronic Publications
S Pester
A4 12pp
Subject / Keyword
pv, photovoltaic, photovoltaic systems, manufacturers, specifiers, IP11/12, IP 11/12, ip11/12, ip 11/12
Published Date

The UK government’s feed-in tariff (FIT) incentives, building regulations and planning requirements have been driving the installation of building-applied photovoltaic (BAPV) systems in the UK. With the currently prevailing low interest rates, the FITs have transformed PV installations into a serious proposition for investors and they can also be a cost-effective way to achieve compliance with the local and national regulations.

On the other hand, the uptake of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) has been relatively low to date. This may be due to perceptions of high cost, questions over durability and maintenance, uncertainty concerning energy yield and ease of use for designers. Some of these perceptions may be valid and some based on misunderstandings, but what is clear is that the product manufacturers must address all concerns in an open and transparent way if they are to get their products specified in building projects.

The aim of this Information Paper is to help to close the gap between building designers and manufacturers of BIPV products. Specifiers will find useful information on products currently available and some typical applications, whilst manufacturers may benefit from the feedback obtained directly from potential users of the technology.

Information has been gathered from three main sources: a survey of products currently on the market; a survey of architects; and two stakeholder workshops held at BRE in 2010 and 2011.



Background: what are BAPV and BIPV systems?

Main findings

- Survey of products

- Survey of architects

- Stakeholder workshops (Physical appearance and aesthetic integration of products. Costs, value and efficiency of products. Education and information. PV materials. Other responses)

BIPV for retrofit projects

- Domestic building re-roofing projects

- Commercial and public building re-roofing projects

- Facade replacements

- Agricultural building re-roofing projects

Financial notes

- Feed-in tariffs

- Return on investment

- Project finance and funding

Certification of PV products for the UK market



A4 12 pp, 2 line drawings, 25 photos

Available on or after 20/4/2012.


Building-integrated photovoltaic systems: Challenges and opportunities for manufacturers and specifiers Downloadable Version

List Price £ 13.00
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