Building and urban space accessibility. POLIS: Decision support tools and policy initiatives in support of universal design of buildings. (Downloadable version)
BRE Electronic Publications
Subject / Keyword
EP83, buildings, accessibility, disabled, access audits.
Published Date
This report introduces the POLIS methodology and Decision Support System for Universal Building Design. It sets it within the context of access audit and action planning. POLIS is an assessment tool that has been developed through research, and the report is intended to highlight its potential. Access evaluation through POLIS is, like all building modelling methods, reliant on the application of good practice in management and maintenance of the building. Case studies on buildings in Spain, UK, Italy, Greece and Israel demonstrate how the methodology can be used to apply quantitative criteria to many aspects of accessibility in and around buildings. The project was funded by the European Commission, and has involved experts from eight countries, as well as the participation of many other specialists in a series of conferences and workshops which were organised to bring forward new ideas and share experience. A4 paperback format - 76 pages.
Building and urban space accessibility. POLIS: Decision support tools and policy initiatives in support of universal design of buildings. (Downloadable version)
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