Best practice in concrete frame construction: case studies(BR 479) DOWNLOAD
This report studies the application of initiatives trialled at the European Concrete Building Project’s in-situ concrete frame building at Cardington on two medium-sized commercial projects involving reinforced concrete structures - residential blocks at Newbury Park, London, and an extension for Southampton General Hospital. Reinforcement rationalisation for flat slabs, proprietary punching shear reinforcement, electronic rebar information, early age striking and reduced backpropping, early age strength assessment using LOK tests, deflection prediction and measurement, special concretes (high strength, self compacting, ultra high strength), the use of the National Structural Concrete Specification, and productivity measurements are all considered in relation to these case studies, but only some of the innovations were in fact used on these projects. 16 pages.
Funding for the work was provided by the Department of Trade and Industry under the Partners in Innovation scheme. The report is the third in a series that has studied the application of the Cardington project on actual construction projects.
The other reports are:
Backprop forces and deflections in flat slabs: construction at St George Wharf.
(BR463, 2004)
Best practice in concrete frame construction: practical application at St George Wharf
(BR462, 2003)