Product Details

Behaviour of concrete repair patches under propped and unpropped conditions: critical review of current knowledge and practices (Downloadable version)

BRE Electronic Publications
T D G Canisius, N Waleed
Subject / Keyword
FBE Report 3, FB3, concrete structures, loading, tension, cracks, props, structural behaviour, risk assessment, stress prediction, durability
Published Date
The deterioration of reinforced concrete structures has become a major problem for their owners. The deterioration may be due to a number of causes such as electrochemical processes, physical processes, chemical processes and mechanical damage. The repair and rehabilitation of damaged concrete structures has evolved into a major growth sector in the past decades. A repaired structure has to fulfil the strength and durability criteria so that it can achieve a specified design life with the expected levels of maintenance. Unfortunately, however, many times 'repairs of repairs' are needed due to the insufficiency of the original repair in restoring a structure to a desired level of performance. Currently there is little general guidance available on the redistribution of stresses within a reinforced concrete structure during and after repair. It is not only that which prompted this literature review, but also the sometimes inconsistent views among engineers on whether a structure should be propped during the repairs or left unpropped. 31 pages.

Behaviour of concrete repair patches under propped and unpropped conditions: critical review of current knowledge and practices (Downloadable version)

List Price £ 45.00
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