
BRE China celebrates two major building sustainability milestones

BRE China celebrates two major building sustainability milestones

BRE China's milestones were achieved by working with Three Star (assessment standard for green buildings) and the Chinese Academy of Building Research (CABR).

BRE China has achieved two major building sustainability milestones in collaboration with the Chinese authorities. These include the successful completion of a crosswalk between BREEAM and Three Star, the Chinese assessment standard for green buildings, and an agreement with the Chinese Academy of Building Research (CABR) to collaborate on the research and application of green building technology and standards.

BREEAM and China Three Star crosswalk

BRE China has successfully completed a full crosswalk between BREEAM and China Green Building Label (GBL, also called Three Star), which is the dominant green building certification scheme developed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of China, collaborated with Chinese Society for Urban Studies (CSUS). Under this scheme, over 15,000 projects have been certified and many others are in the process of gaining certification. The Three Star scheme has become a key compliance benchmark for all new land bidding in major Chinese cities.

With this collaboration, and the overall mutual recognition program with CSUS, BREEAM will gain significant influence in the Chinese market, symbolising another China-UK collaboration milestone. BRE China has now implemented this process on its first batch of pioneer projects, clients of which include significant developers such as LandSea and Jinmao. The organisation is also actively encouraging international corporate clients in China to utilise this approach as it narrows technical gaps and supports clients’ marketing efforts.

Partnership with CABR The second milestone to be celebrated is the collaborative research agreement between the national building code developing bureau, CABR, and BRE China. The three-year project will further emphasize BRE’s position in the building sustainability sector on a global scale. The partnership’s broader aim is to create an international and inter-sector network of organisations who will work together to research, develop and apply green building technology and standards, particularly in the ‘Belt and Road’ countries. For more information please contact: or .  

BRE 中国庆祝两大里程碑时刻 BRE中国于近日携手在中国的合作伙伴,实现了两大重要的建筑可持续性发展的里程碑。其中包括BREEAM与中国绿色建筑评价标准双认证,以及与中国建筑科学研究院(CABR)达成协议携手合作研究和应用绿色建筑技术和标准。

BREEAM 和中国绿色建筑评价标准对标和联合认证 BRE中国已经与中国城市科学研究会成功合作完成了BREEAM和中国绿色建筑评价标准的对标,这是由中国住房和城乡建设部制定的占绿色建筑主导地位的认证计划。截止目前根据该计划,已经在中国认证了15,000多个项目,并且还有许多其他项目正在获得认证中。中国绿建三星标准已成为中国主要城市所有新土地竞标的关键合规基准。


CABR 合作 第二个要庆祝的里程碑是BRE中国与住建部标准定额司和CABR中国之间的合作研究协议。这个为期三年的项目将进一步巩固强调BRE在全球范围内建筑可持续发展领域的地位。

此次合作关系的更深层次的目标是建立一个跨国际跨体系的组织网络,这些组织将共同研究,发展和应用绿色建筑技术和标准,尤其是在“一带一路”国家/地区。 了解更多信息请联系 .

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