China-UK Low Carbon Construction Industrialisation

China-UK Low Carbon Construction Industrialisation

Report from Jaya Skandamoorthy China has the largest construction programme in the world and is the biggest carbon emitter, and the need for China to develop green and low carbon construction on an industrial scale is without doubt one of the greatest challenges for the global built environment. In recent years the Chinese Government has implemented a number of significant policy initiatives in this area, such as the China Three Star Green Building Standard and the China Green Building Action Programme. There is strong desire by Chinese government and leading Chinese industry organisations to adopt international best practice in low carbon construction and industrialisation. The UK is the first country to have become industrialised in the world, and it is also one of the first post-industrial countries to have set green policies, regulations and standards and is now a global leader in low carbon construction. It has a high level of professional expertise supported by professional institutions, commercial organisations and first-class universities and research bodies. In 2008, the UK government established the Climate Change Act, which set the world's first legally binding climate change target committing the UK to cut its carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Based on the complementary interests and strengths between China and UK, both governments have established a close working relationship and are developing joint policies to tackle climate change and also strengthening bilateral trade and collaboration in a wide variety of sectors. However, there is still a lack of collaboration in the green and low carbon construction industry to support the pace of urbanisation in China, and there is an increasing need to bring a full range of expertise and capabilities to accelerate the industrialisation of low carbon construction in China. On the 12th December 2014, The China-UK Low Carbon Construction Industrialisation Forum conference at BRE will bring together a wide variety of experts and leaders within the low carbon construction industry, to enhance the collaboration among government, industry and academia. The event will provide a platform for participants to hear influential people and leading experts sharing their views on a range of low carbon construction industrialisation subjects. It is also a chance to network with these developers, technology manufacturers, investors, consulting firms, research institutes and policy makers, to seek new business and collaboration potentials. Come and have your say in the panel debates and help to shape the initiatives going forward. For more information and the full conference programme visit: