
CASE Study - Murphy's Innovation Portal

CASE Study - Murphy's Innovation Portal

We met up with Colin Courtney at Murphy to talk about how they are capturing and sharing innovative ideas and practices across the group.
Have a look at our latest innovation case study commissioned by the Knowledge Transfer Network. Murphy employ around 3,500 people with a turnover of over £950 million, working primarily in the regulated sectors of utilities, rail and road. Changing legislation and increasing constraints on clients in the infrastructure sector are encouraging Murphy to look at how they deliver infrastructure safer, faster, greener, and for less cost. Murphy is keen to encourage both company and industry-wide innovation with the capture and sharing of innovation, both internally and externally. They are particularly interested in capturing innovation with tangible and quantifiable outcomes around the sustainability agenda, with Social (e.g. Health & Safety), Environment (Carbon) and Economic (Cost) benefits in order to help drive cost-effective and leading-edge solutions. Read more online at _Connect