BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts

BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts

Page Description

The BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts scheme assesses civil engineering and public realm works undertaken through contracts over a number of years.

Many current asset maintenance plans were drafted four or five years ago

Many current asset maintenance plans were drafted four or five years ago and may not fully account for the rapidly evolving landscape we find ourselves in today. This is where BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts can help. By using this scheme, you can can:

  • Cut costs and increase efficiency

  • Enhance credibility with third-party certification

  • Foster environmental stewardship and set meaningful ESG targets

  • Optimise investment performance and resource utilisation

  • Proactively identify and manage environmental risks

Redefining asset maintenance with BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts

Redefining asset maintenance with BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts

Revising outdated plans

Revising outdated plans

Revising outdated plans

We are currently navigating a rapid transformation across numerous sectors, particularly in environmental, social, and economic aspects. Asset maintenance plans written five years ago or more may require updates to reflect our current economic and climate reality and anticipate future trends.

Resilient infrastructure

The industry is also facing the escalating impact of climate change. The increasing frequency of severe weather events underscores the urgent need for resilience in our infrastructure planning and execution. BREEAM Infrastructure Term Contracts, with its comprehensive assessment method, can help to meet that challenge.

Resilient infrastructure

Sustainable asset maintenance

The Term Contracts approach ensures that all aspects of asset maintenance, including strategy, management, and delivery, are evaluated through a lens of sustainability and resilience. This can play a pivotal role in mitigating the impacts of climate change and delivering a safe infrastructure for stakeholders, fostering a sustainable and secure future for all.

How does BREEAM Infrastructure work?

How does BREEAM Infrastructure work?

Step 1: Trained assessor

Step 1: Trained assessor

BREEAM Infrastructure is a self-assessment process, requiring a trained BREEAM Infrastructure assessor.

Step 2: Scoping

Scoping out is used to remove questions not relevant to your project or contract.

Step 2: Scoping
Step 3: Record assessment

Step 3: Record assessment

Following guidance in the assessment manual, the assessment is recorded.

Step 4: Verification​

Your completed assessment is independently verified.

Step 4: Verification​
Step 5: Ratification and rating​

Step 5: Ratification and rating​

Once verified, the assessment is ratified by BRE and receives one of 5 scores: Pass; Good; Very Good; Excellent; Outstanding.

Step 6: Certification​

Once your assessment is complete, the project or contract will receive a certificate.

Step 6: Certification​