Meet our BREEAM partners
National Scheme Operators (NSOs) are organisations which operate adapted, country specific BREEAM schemes under licence from BRE Global Ltd. BREEAM is adapted to local conditions, translated into the local language, and aligned with the country’s building regulations.
About National Scheme Operators
National Scheme Operators (NSOs) support the local adaptation and adoption of BREEAM through:
Local knowledge: information and understanding of the industry that can only be obtained by being present in a territory.
Market presence: an established, well-respected company with good standing in the sustainability and construction industries.
Local stakeholder engagement: a network of contacts within the industry that can advise on the development and direction of BREEAM.
Meet our National Scheme Operators

DGBC – Netherlands
Roles: Assessors, Experts (Accredited Professionals)
- BREEAM NL Area Development (Communities)
- BREEAM NL New Construction (and Refurbishment)
- BREEAM NL Refurbishment (In Development
- BREEAM NL Residential NC (In Development)
ITG – Spain
Roles: Assessors, Associates As well as operating BREEAM ES, ITG are also authorised to deliver BREEAM Infrastructure Foundations Training on behalf of BRE.
- BREEAM ES Urbanismo (Communities)
- BREEAM ES New Construction (and Refurbishment)
- BREEAM ES Residential NC (New Construction and Refurbishment)

TUV SUD – Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH)
Roles: Assessors, APs, Associates
- BREEAM DE New Construction
- BREEAM AT New Construction
SGBC – Sweden
BREEAM SE New Construction (and Refurbishment) Roles: Assessors, APs Sweden Green Building Council As well as operating BREEAM SE New Construction, Sweden Green Building Council (SGBC) are also authorised to deliver BREEAM In-Use and CEEQUAL Awareness Training on behalf of BRE.

NGBC – Norway
BREEAM NOR New Construction (and Refurbishment) Roles: Assessors, APs As well as operating BREEAM NOR New Construction, NGBC are also authorised to deliver: Introduction to BREEAM In-Use, BREEAM Infrastructure Foundations and BREEAM Infrastructure Assessor Training on behalf of BRE.